20 minutes.
1) ½ cup ghee
2) ½ cup sugar
3) ½ cup milk
4) ½ tsp cardamom powder
5) 2 and ½ cup Maida
6) Oil for deep frying
7) Pinch of salt
In a bowl mix ghee, milk and sugar all together.
Stir it till the sugar gets dissolved.
Once it dissolved add Maida and cardamom powder and salt knead
into soft dough. Cover it with a soft cloth and keep aside for 15-20 minutes.
Now divide dough into equal balls. Now using rolling pin roll
the dough. It should be thick.
Using knife cut it into a diamond shape.
Heat the oil in a kadhai
and deep fry all diamond shape cut outs of the dough.
Once it golden brown remove from oil and keep aside on a tissue paper.
So that tissue paper will absorbed extra oil form it.
Once they cooled off you can store them into a container.